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Upcoming Events


2024-2025 fall/spring season

August 19-fall/spring classes begin

September 2-5-NO Classes- Labor day

September 15-First part of recital fee due ($35)


October 7-10- Costume measuring before and during class

(a parent or guardian must come in with your dancer to sign off on costume size to be ordered.)

All Costume Money Due during measuring ( There are no refunds on costume money)

October 28-30 **Parents watch**Dancers can come to class dressed up! Classes can arrange to bring snacks for a small party.

October 31- No classes

November 25-29 Closed for Thanksgiving-No Dance classes

December  2- Warrior Christmas Parade

December 14- Christmas shows

December 15-January 10- Closed for Christmas and  New Year's

January 13- Classes start back

January 27-30-Recital pictures at studio

(no regular dance classes)


February 10-13**parents watch** Bring a valentine treat

February 24-27 All ads and money are due.

       1/2 page $100         full page $175

(we ask that all dancers sell/ buy as many ads as possible- dancer with most ads sold wins a free year of dance! 2nd place wins year of dance at half price)

March 24-28 - Closed for Spring Break- No dance classes

April 1-remaining recital fees due

April 26 (Saturday)- ANNUAL RECITAL-Samford University


June 1-Fall/Spring Registration opens


July 21-25-Diva Disco Dance Camp


August 18-Fall/spring classes begin 

























Rock Festival flyer - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg
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